Thursday, August 26, 2010


How I feel like I live again
After a rush of new words
Suddenly I’m inspired
By the pictures I drew
I am fresh, feverish
For once I live again
The art is alive
It is still with me
I love and I live
That’s all I need to do
I need not experience heartbreak
As much as I thought I need to

I just need to realize
That there’s so much beauty about
Being happy, not sober
And living out the day
Like there’s no tomorrow
That beneath every sad face
Is a heart that can rejoice
That it can live
We are the ones to choose
The operative word is how

This is me
Seeing the beauty of all else I can do
So different now that the inspiration
I thought I could only draw
From every falling tear
Could also be found in every laugh
And all the great photographs
That despite the depression seemingly
Unendlessly embracing our daily toll
Hope lives on
When all things have flown away.

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